Services for partners

1. Agency agreement – the contract between the party employing the agent (principal), and the agent itself, who under certain conditions is entitled to perform a set of activities, actions and obligations in the best interest of the employer whilst holding the necessary rights to do so.
The contract is usually signed in writing and contains the description of agent’s rights and responsibilities; areas, nature and order of assignment performance, conditions and amount of remunerations, rights and obligations of the parties, validity period, damages in case of breach of contract, as well as the order of dispute resolution.

2. Oustaffing is the way of personnel management that involves rendering servicesoutstaffing in the form of granting a client with a certain number of workers who are not entering in any legal (civil, labour) agreement directly with the customer, however work at the location and on the behalf of the customer. We sell Outstaffing services through the business franchising agreement.

Business francizing - is the type of franchising where the franchisor, being an owner of the successful business model, delegates the rights for the establishment of a similar profile enterprise under the franchise trademark. In this case, the franchisor not only passes on the right to trade, but also provides a licensed privilege to the franchisee to do business. For the purpose of accurate business processes and documentation, parties discuss the business concept; franchisor gives clear instructions upon employee training and development, interior of the company and the personnel uniform. Moreover, strict rules apply for advertising policies and reporting processes.

- Registration of trade marks and brands for businesses across the world.
- The franchise sale of developed structure and business system in enterprise reorganisation dealing with personnel related companies under the trademark establish in the country of franchise buyer.